I wish I was this stylish :(
July 22, 2020 - I had to teach myself HTML and CSS in order to make this site. Now I kind of regret not taking that one web design class back in high school. Oh well. At least I'm learning it now, I guess. Also if you need someone to make basic and obnoxiously 90's website, I'm your idiot.
One thing I can't get enough of is gifs, if you can't tell. Hey, if the Internet users of the 90's and 2000's can use a metric assload of gifs on their personal websites, why can't I? It adds to the shittiness. It's like the garnish on top of a fancy dish. Except it's a plate of garnished shit instead. I don't know where I was going with this analogy.
July 23, 2020 - Edited the CSS to get two separate elements side by side on this particular page. It looks like hot garbage. I love it.
August 16, 2020 - After 3 weeks of being away, I added a new hidden page? Why? It's a joke referencing a game of Fiasco! I was recently in, don't question iut. Also if you can figure out which exactly playset it's referencing, you win nothing.
July 28, 2021 - Guess who got back into developing this website? Me, bitches. Totally not plugging my forum and my Newgrounds, no siree... aight, ya got me. But there's more to editing my site than that. I don't have HUGE future plans, but I'd still like to expand and spiff up this for extra webcore-ness.